How to make an 80m Valve Paraset Rx coil.....and band spread the tuning range if you wish. First some underpinning knowledge:
And the lesson to be learnt from the above is that you can use any size coil former you can find to make a Paraset receiver coil. Something within the range 15mm to 28mm will do nicely. So wind the coil all in one direction, with taps, starting at 0, which will become the antenna connection as shown:
Now you can use this coil and it will work perfectly. However to get the tuning range of an original Paraset you will probably have to take one or two turns off the tuning capacitor end of the winding. NOT the chassis/mounting end or the coil won't work properly. Bandspreading the coil onto the 80m Band Varnishing the coil affects its' self capacity and so alters the tuning range. A tuning capacitor of about 20pF to 25pF maximum will be needed. A fixed trimming capacitor of roughly 130pF across will be needed across the coil. The final value of this capacitor is found by trial and error. With the tuning capacitor unmeshed and 130pF across the coil remove more turn at a time from the top until your RX tunes to roughly 3.7MHz. Now varnish the coil...... When the varnish is dry adjust the value of the trimming capacitor until the RX just tunes above 3.6MHz (say 3.63MHz) with the tuning capacitor fully unmeshed. When fully meshed you should easily tune below 3.5MHz. If you think there is tuning capacity to spare, remove another turn...add some fixed capacity to bring the tuning back to just above 3.6MHz with the tuning capacitor unmeshed and now see how far down it tunes. Repeat this process and eventually you will have a receiver that tunes 3.5MHz to 3.6MHz with just a little overlap at each end. Always place the receiver in its' cabinet before noting and making any adjustments as this does affect the tuning range because of residual capacity. Band spread has been achieved. Once the receiver is placed in its cabinet, since this affects the coverage slightly, you can download a chart from this website and use it to calibrate your tuning dial.